Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization established in 1992 to give youth ages 16 to 24 a chance to earn an income and learn hands-on job skills while serving in their communities. In its first year, 20 youth served Denver neighborhoods through a single 10-week program. Today, MHYC engages more than 200 youth (called Corpsmembers) every year through several comprehensive programs that integrate paid work experience on community service projects with leadership development, career exploration and education. During our 24 year history, Mile High Youth Corps has grown from a small, seasonal, neighborhood-based organization to a comprehensive, year-round, regional program serving 22 counties from two regional offices, Metro Denver and the Southern Front Range of Colorado. Our mission is to help youth make a difference in themselves and their community through meaningful service opportunities and educational experiences.

Join Contacts:

Julia Schaller
303-433-1206 x 222

Hire Contacts:

Jesse Roehm


Denver office:
1801 Federal Boulevard
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 433-1206 opt 2, x 222

Southern Front Range office:
417 E Vermijo Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 630-7421 x 401
